Thursday, October 29, 2009

IAM A YOUNG JOURNO-HEAR ME R.O.A.R! by Camagwini Dolweni

A few weeks ago the Rhodes Organisation for Animal Rights had a protect animals right week and ended things off with a talk by established South African journalist, writer and motivational speaker, Patricia Glynn. Being a meat-eater and over for all my life, i was slightly suspicious about how the talk would be delivered( images of raging vegetarians name-calling meat eaters and angry protesters come to mind), but i was open to the idea of hearing such an established local journalist that i braved the sterreotypes clouding my mind and went. So one could argue that my primary reason for going was not for the protection of animlas rights(hey, don't judge!). And i was so inspired by the talk that was funny, sentimental and not once did she throw hateful looks at the meat-eaters, that i decided: "You know what i can be a vegetarian too! Its ridiculous what they do to animals and iam going to show my support in solidarity with the vegetarians". And so it began, i was going to stop eating something i had been eating most of the week for 20years. Easy, right? WRONG on sooo many levels! My hat goes off to vegetarians and vegans who have weaned themselves off meat. It is no small feat, i think for the black community meat is not a source of nutrients-its culture. When i told my mother she told me to stop trying to be white and "come to my senses, tsh!". Since when is meat a race thing?! Well at least i tried, even if it was just for a week.

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