Thursday, October 29, 2009

Digesting that of 24

By: Lara van Zyl
The blog entitled “Digestthis24” chose a standard blogspot layout and although it is a conventional layout, it was effective as the writing was easy to read since the background colour had not been too dark. A number of formatting errors did arise – some of the words of were cut in half, making the reading of the text difficult, but there are exceptions, it would appear that it was one member of the group whom had been the culprit. The profile of this blog describes the blog and its members as, “5 journalism students on a quest to unravel investigative looking at...the dark and mysterious places where conventional journalism doesn’t dare go”. “Digestthis24” presently has eighteen blog posts to boast about and the posts are both well written and enlightening. It is evident that this group takes journalism seriously and many of these posts are quite riveting. The lack of gadgets used is disappointing, though the use of gadgets within one’s blog is not a requirement, gadgets are able to make the blog more personal and the use of these gadgets enables journalists to use a wide range of media material to get their message across. It had been refreshing to find that not only did this group take a serious stance in their posts, but they also included links that were not broken. All-in-all I found that this had been a blog that is worthwhile and it made for an interesting read.

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